Allow me to digress from computer security, and talk about something else for my 200th blog post.
The last week of January, my daughter was named the senior division Rabbit Showmanship Champion at the county Youth Livestock Show, and won a fancy belt buckle (pictured above). This award means far more to me than a grand champion animal would (though I'd love for our family to produce the latter too), because of what it represents.
Showmanship involves a student's knowledge of their animal and breed, the responsibility they display, how well they present themselves and their animal, and how well they control their animal. While a champion animal involves the student taking good care of it, there is also a lot of genetics and a good bit of luck involved in raising a winning animal. Showmanship on the other hand is entirely up to the student.
What makes me the most proud though is not that she won the buckle. It's how she got to this point.