And then we in the industry go and do boneheaded things that go against the very things we teach.
Recently I received a message claiming to be from Yahoo!, promoting a new "advanced account recovery" feature in their email service. It invited me to add a mobile phone number to my email account as a secondary way of authenticating my account and regaining access should I ever forget my password of get locked out. OK - a useful feature, and one that other webmail services have also introduced.
It's the way this email was presented that I have a problem with.

1. The sender was [email protected]. Now maybe is a legitimate domain owned by Yahoo! Inc. for the purposes of official corporate email, since is the freely available email domain - other webmail services do something similar. But if I were a bad guy, I would do the same thing - use a domain that looks close enough to the real thing. I pulled up the Whois record to find out the actual owner, and it is registered to Yahoo! Inc, so it very well may be legitimate, but how many people do a whois query before trusting a sender?
2. The links in the email - both the "click here to add your mobile number" and the links in the disclaimers at the bottom, go to This is a much more serious problem: I know is the original domain for Yahoo!, just as I know is the original domain for Microsoft. I would expect a legitimate email, even if it used a different email source to differentiate it from consumer mail, to link to the well-known domain
3. Nowhere in the email does it describe a way for me to add my mobile number through the email settings portal I already know - and I cannot find such a setting anywhere in the email settings. This is a huge red flag. If this is a legitimate email, then there should be a way to access the feature through the email settings tool.
Ultimately I spoke with the director for security at Yahoo! (his actual title is "Director, paranoids" - is that not a great title for a security manager?). He confirms that this is a legitimate new feature, and that the email text was not crafted as well as it could be.
The takeaways are twofold:
For the consumer, be suspicious of email that seems out of place, especially if it asks you to click a link or log in somewhere.
For the industry professional, be conscious when communicating with customers, and take care not to undermine the safe computing practices we work hard to teach.